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[video] Playing Fetch!!

This crow and dog are playing fetch and it is the funniest thing ever!  How doe the crow know what to do with the ball?  How does the dog not want to eat the crow or chase him around?  I wonder all of these things as I watch this video.  This crow doesn’t like to …

[video] Playing Fetch!! Read More »

[video] Who's Walking Who?

Who’s walking who?  This has got to be the funniest video I have seen lately!  These babies and dogs are adorable!  So, I ask the question of Who’s Walking Who?  I know what I think but  I can’t wait for you to watch the video and decide for yourself!  These babies are hilarious and the …

[video] Who's Walking Who? Read More »


Let sleeping dogs lie.  This video of sleeping dogs is awesome.  They are too funny.  I guess the saying is true, “Let Sleeping dogs lie” because these dogs just lay wherever and have some of the best dreams.  These dogs are barking, running, sleeping and all sorts of things in their sleep.  I am sure …

[video] LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE!! Read More »

[video] DON'T KISS ME!!

Don’t kiss me.  This dog wants no part of this affection.  This video is hilarious!  These dogs do not want to be kissed.  They are aggravated at their owners for trying to show them affection.  I guess we all have our personal space and sometimes we don’t want people to invade that space, even our dogs …

[video] DON'T KISS ME!! Read More »